Friday, April 3, 2009


In the previous blog article about memory games I mentioned that often dyslexic children have issues concerning memory.Most children, of course, enjoy playing online games .Here are some your child can play to help to them improve their memory skills :

Brain Connection is an online source of information about the brain and learning for educators, parents, students and teachers .

If you look at the left hand column you can click on “games”. There are a number of good games for children including bumper cows. This is a game to test working memory.You have to remember and repeat a sequence of sounds and colours.

Neuroscience For Kids - Has games to test memory eg “Simon says” - memory game.
Really good site for children.

If you type in "Neuroscience for Kids " in google you can find this site.

Memory lights
Memory lights is a sequential memory building game.The computer lights up a sequence of lamps and you need to repeat the sequence in the same order.

or type in “educational games for kids – memory lights – in google.

The Kids – contains free kids memory games online eg
shapes memory game(click the cards to match pairs of colored shapes) plus various other concentration games.

Eidectic games and puzzles :
Eidetic memory or photographic memory, is the ability to retain a highly detailed mental image of something not in sight.
After click on the link for eidectic memory games

Memory Gym - memory games plus strategies to improve memory skills.
Games incluse : flashing Numbers - random numbers are automatically generated and flashed / spoken numbers / flashing playing cards and shapes etc

Memory – Test your memory
Gives random letters/numbers etc and tests how many you can remember.

Remember to get your child to do these games on a regular basis – maybe for a short time each day.

1 comment:

Kiara said...

The most of the Download Games that I have seen, there are puzzle, logic, strategy games, etc. I know children can learn from these games so I am delighted to inform everyone about these games.